Powering up your People Management – Challenging Conversations

Managing others can be deeply rewarding; it can also be frustrating and challenging! This session will help to build your confidence and skills when managing poor performance and inappropriate behaviour. Spotting problems early and providing effective feedback is essential to maintain a positive team and progress toward team goals. Feeling confident about addressing poor performance and unhelpful behaviour is an essential part of the people managers toolkit. The session will shed light on simple communication techniques that focus on addressing the issues whilst maintaining your relationship with members of your team.

Powering up your People Management – Harnessing Potential

Understanding others is key to your success as a people manager, in this session we will demystify the principles of behaviour, performance and learning so you understand the key factors that encourage and support positive behaviour and performance. Knowing how to influence, motivate and inspire others will help you to maximise the potential of the people in your team. We will apply some of the key concepts of behavioural science in a clear and practical way.

Powering up your People Management – Managing Yourself

We will start with you, looking at your approach to managing others, exploring your preferred leadership style, identifying your strengths and drivers and anticipating personal challenges. In this session, we will also discover the foundations of emotional intelligence and enhance your self-awareness. Understanding yourself will help you to understand others. The ability to manage your own emotions and behaviours are essential to your success as a people manager and the content covered will give you clues as to your impact on others

Personal Brand Ecosystem

Personal branding builds authority. Authority builds trust and trust builds relationships – mutually beneficial relationships! If your stakeholders feel they know you and believe that you understand and empathise with their pain points, that increases the likelihood of them engaging – and if they are a potential customer – eventually buying from you. Most engagement and interaction with organisations are carried out online, which has become an increasingly crowded marketplace. Your Personal Brand Ecosystem will help you stand out and separate yourself from your competitors as well as provide an opportunity to generate revenue.

Circle of Influence

Influence is everything! Professional networking can be a very powerful asset when developing and growing your personal brand. It enables you to widen your physical reach, enhance your credibility and build mutually beneficial relationships with your stakeholders, helping you achieve your goals! Your Circle of Influence is how you define your network – the people who are and could be – influential to your personal brand. This includes – your customers; colleagues and peers; suppliers and trade partners; competitors; local and regional community; political and business leaders; highly influential personalities including celebrities!

The Authentic Self

Authenticity is the key factor when promoting your personal brand! We’re living in a very crowded world with a plethora of influencers, commentators and opinion leaders, all proactively promoting their beliefs and gaining their followers (and fans) in return. With the rapid growth of social media and other digital communications, we have become incredibly perceptive to fake, inauthentic and insincere business brands, which promote one thing and yet behave completely different. This also applies to people – celebrities, personalities, politicians and other people in the public eye – our ‘fake-radar’ can sense when someone is not being authentic – and let’s face it, it’s much easier being the true ‘you’ rather than trying to be someone or something else.

Enhance brand performance by recognising and rewarding your talent

Motivate and sustain engagement by encouraging a culture that recognises high performing employees and rewards those behaviours that bring the values and culture of the organisation to life. We look at how to create a recognition and rewards programme that inspires employees to realise the organisation’s mission and reinforce strategic objectives. Celebrated employees place the organisation in the public’s consciousness as a great place to work and do business with.

Create a thriving culture of employee engagement

Engaged employees are more likely to find a sense of belonging in an organisation where they are inspired to fulfil their full potential. High levels of employee engagement are linked with increased operational efficiency, lower wastage and reduced loss from theft and errors. The reality of employees actually ‘living the brand’ is dependent upon a strong commitment from the employee to the organisation that they feel is reciprocated. Engaged employees display team spirit contributing to a sense of purpose and identity in the marketplace by bringing the brand proposition to life.

Realise the power of your brand’s Values

A brand’s values represent what it stands for and what it believes in; they are the guidelines that form its moral compass. Values provide direction on how to behave in any given situation; they dictate the behaviour of the brand and influence decisions. The values you choose can be applied to everything, including the product experience, choice of staff, and how you react in a crisis. Values should be clear, authentic and resonate with everyone inside the organisation. They need to be clearly understood by employees, adopted by them and consistently acted upon. The brand’s values should help the organisation achieve its vision and not restrict it. Strong brands are respected for their values and are defined by them.