nesma now delivers SOSTAC® Masterclasses

SOSTAC® Masterclasses

nesma is a licensed SOSTAC® Certified Training Company. Everyone loves SOSTAC® because of its simplicity – it is easy to learn and to remember forever. It’s built on logic, which helps professionals to make more informed decisions.


The PR Smith SOSTAC® planning framework programme is designed to ensure you get the best business results.

nesma is now a fully licensed SOSTAC® Certified Training Company.

By the end of this course, you will know how to build an outline marketing plan using PR Smith’s  SOSTAC® planning framework.  Be confident about knowing what needs to go into a plan and see how it all fits together with an emphasis on the foundation of any good plan – the Situation Analysis – including Customer Insights. You will receive a course certificate and digital badge. 



By the end of this course you will be confident about writing a great plan, be able to improve other plans, and develop your own strategy (the weakest part of most plans). Use PR Smith’s SOSTAC® logical structure to reduce risk, make better decisions and boost business results. Write the perfect plan. Become a SOSTAC® Certified Planner.


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Need help deciding which course is right for you?

Contact Client Support: +44 (0) 7734 222 254
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Student Stories

Meet Georgie McManus

Georgie, decided to study for the CIPR Professional PR Certificate to put some fizz back into her career! Which worked a treat as she is now heading for a promotion and enjoying her job a lot more.

Meet Ed Hodge

Ed decided to enrol on the CIPR Specialist Diploma – Digital Communications qualification as it was also an opportunity to learn new skills in a rapidly evolving communications world.