Meet Racheal Broomfield

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Rachael is an Account Manager at The Works. They are a North East Agency who work mainly with social housing, public sector, holiday parks and motor groups. She has now completed her CIM Certificate in Professional Digital Marketing at Level 4.

Why did you choose this CIM qualification? 

I felt like I needed the theory behind my job to understand the reasoning behind our decisions. If a client asked me a question about something specific marketing-wise, I would have the knowledge to answer it confidently.

And what have been the benefits so far? 

Working at an agency has given me an excellent opportunity to put the theory into practice, I feel more confident now when making decisions with my clients. 

Has studying this qualification with nesma helped you? 

Yes, it has, I feel more confident now. I think it will always come in handy as I work on so many different projects. 

What did you enjoy most about studying? 

I enjoyed talking as a group about our different experiences. I think as we were all from different backgrounds (work-wise), it was good to hear everyone’s perspective.

What are you doing differently as a result of your studies?

I think about things from a longer-term point of view. I try to be proactive with decisions with my clients rather than just reactive.

What words of advice would you give anyone considering a career in marketing or PR?

Every day is different – especially at the minute! I never know what I’ll be working on next. I would advise anyone that is thinking about it to just do it!

What is the most significant thing that has changed for your industry in the past 6 months? 

This pandemic has affected all our clients in so many different ways. It’s a stressful time as nobody knows what is next. At The Works, we take it day by day, so we can keep up with our client and industry trends to keep on top of the game. 

When you’re not doing the day job, what do you enjoy most? 

Exercising, I’m either at the gym or running in my spare time. It really clears my head after a busy day at work. 

The CIM Certificate in Professional Digital Marketing is the go CIM qualification for marketing executives, or equivalent, who have had experience in the industry and are looking to advance their skills in Digital Marketing.