Meet Emma Dark

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Emma is a Content Team Lead at Signable, a software product that allows you to get your documents signed in seconds. She is a graduate of the CIM Certificate in Professional Digital Marketing (L4). 

She chose to study this qualification as she knew she was ready to take the next step in her career. But before stepping into a management position, she wanted to gain a professional qualification. She thought the CIM Digital Marketing qualification would provide formal recognition of her skills and give her the confidence to back herself. And the good news is that shortly after completing the qualification, she got her new job at Signable.

Was there anything you have discovered about yourself in the process? 

I learnt a lot about managing my time, especially in the evenings after work when instead of switching off, you’re switching Teams back on for the classes! I was also definitely out of practice when it came to writing essays, but it was great to have projects to get stuck into again, as the fast-paced nature of my role means I don’t often get to spend a lot of time on one piece of work!

Has studying with nesma helped you in your career? 

Studying for my Digital marketing qualification allowed me to put what I had learnt into practice and successfully progress within my career to a managerial position. Without the skills and knowledge I gained as part of the course; I wouldn’t be where I am today!

What did you enjoy most about studying? 

All my classes were virtual due to the pandemic. Still, I had easy access to learning materials, and the live sessions ensured I could work from the comfort of my own home. As I relocated across the country partway through my studies, this benefited me massively! 

Having online sessions allowed a wide range of marketers to join from far and wide. They brought their own experiences and stories to share from the industries in which they operated, which created an interesting dynamic.

Do you do anything differently as a result of your studies? 

I now take the time to logically plan out campaigns, approaching tasks and challenges very differently as a direct result of my studies. Whilst I may not have the AIDA model blu tacked to my office wall when creating a campaign or developing a strategy, I can now run through the framework in my mind, and as a result, my plans are a lot more structured and robust. 

What words of advice would you give anyone considering a career in marketing/PR? 

There are so many different specialisms to explore within marketing and PR, so ensure that you play to your strengths when deciding where you’d be best suited! I’d also recommend speaking to different people within the industry to get first-hand insight into their experiences to help you determine the type of environment you would want to work in! 

What are the significant changes within your industry at present? 

The pandemic brought with it the decline of printed materials, ushering in a new age for online channels, with an ever-increasing number of social platforms for businesses to share their story. It’s now my job as Content Team Lead to ensure we maximise those channels and effectively get our message across to customers. 

What do you enjoy most when you aren’t doing the day job? 

Outside of work, I run my design business, creating and painting anything from wedding stationery to custom pet portraits, keeping me busy in the evenings! I’m also a huge foodie, so when I get an hour or two spare I love trying new independent bars and restaurants across the city!  

The CIM Certificate in Professional Digital Marketing is aimed at aspiring professional digital marketers who wish to gain knowledge and skills to succeed and progress within a career, providing them with relevant, contemporary marketing content.