Meet Katy Aris

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Katy is the Group Marketing Executive at Genesis Homes and a CIM Certificate in Professional Digital Marketing (L4) graduate.

Why did you choose this qualification? 

When I started at Genesis Homes, I came from a design background, so I wanted to learn more about marketing so I could put this into practice within my role. 

What did you discover about yourself whilst studying? 

It’s hard work to balance a full-time job and undertake a CIM qualification; however, with plenty of determination, encouragement from colleagues and copious cups of tea, it is possible – and certainly worth it! 

Has studying with nesma helped you in your career? 

100%, I now feel I can influence marketing decisions within the company. The planning campaigns module was particularly beneficial in helping me understand how to make the most of a campaign and how to analyse each aspect of the planning. 

What did you enjoy most about studying? 

I enjoyed meeting people from different sectors and businesses. Even though the courses were online on teams, I felt I could engage with the other students and enjoyed learning with them. 

What type of things do you do differently now?

I feel much more organised and understand the reasoning behind different marketing strategies. 

What words of advice would you give anyone considering a career in marketing/PR? 

Marketing is so diverse – my daily tasks are never the same. One day I could be flying a drone; the next, I am planning a social media campaign or designing the signage for a development. You never get bored! 

What are the significant changes within your industry at present? 

The housing industry is constantly changing – it is affected by many factors, which I learned much about during my course. One significant change within Genesis Homes is sustainability and energy efficiency. I developed a lot of understanding about this during the planning campaigns module. 

What do you enjoy most when you aren’t doing the day job?

I am lucky to live on the edge of the Lake District, so I am a big fan of the outdoors, whether walking, cycling, wild swimming or sailing – I just love it! 

Studying the CIM Certificate in Professional Digital Marketing will help you develop skills to improve digital marketing performance and explore the challenges and opportunities within the digital environment.