nesma is supporting a new regional initiative ‘This is Marketing‘ to help businesses use marketing to unlock business growth.

Possibly a case of ‘cobblers shoes’ but historically marketing has always struggled to market itself! Allowing it to be misunderstood, undervalued and under-utilised. This initiative aims to reverse that trend and provide individuals and teams more tools to help them get a better understanding of marketing and the value it can bring to organisations.
We have joined a group of marketers in the North East to support launch the ‘This is Marketing’ campaign to help organisations recognise the true value of marketing and how it can be used to unlock growth for their organisations and the economy.
Whether you consider yourself a marketer or not, the plan is to get the views of all business leaders to help create a condensed overview for people to use and share.
So we would be really grateful if you can support this campaign too by completing a quick 3-minute survey!
We’d love you to get behind this initiative with us.