Meet Hannah Dalby

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Hannah is the CRM Manager at Vertu Motors plc and has graduated with a CIM Diploma in Professional Marketing (Level 6).

Why did you choose this qualification? 

I wanted to widen my marketing knowledge and apply different ideas and theories to my day-to-day work. It has supported me in developing a much more strategic outlook, helping me grow in my managerial role, and helping me think more commercially when making decisions. 

What did you discover about yourself in the process? 

I’ve discovered that I much prefer gathering all the available information before starting any assignment or project to allow me to consider the bigger picture before making any initial decisions. 

Has studying with nesma helped you in your career? 

Studying with Nesma has improved my marketing knowledge and my soft skills in organisation and time management. I am generally an organised person anyway, but studying and working full-time simultaneously has taught me how to prioritise effectively on a higher level, which I can take into my career as I progress.

What did you enjoy most about studying? 

I enjoyed working with other students from entirely different companies and industries and learning how they conduct their marketing. Discussing ideas with fellow students who had fresh eyes on my industry has helped progress my ideas.

What do you do differently now? 

I have started taking a step back before starting any projects or more significant tasks to fully understand what is required of me or what may be required of anyone else working on the project with me. Pausing has helped me to consider all project elements to ensure I meet all requirements to the highest standards.

What words of advice would you give anyone considering a career in marketing/PR? 

Regardless of the area in which you are specialising, make sure you still have a broad understanding of marketing as a whole. Even though I specialise in CRM, having more comprehensive marketing knowledge helps me consider my decisions’ impact on the wider department.

What are the significant changes within your industry at present? 

The main change in the industry is the shift to electric or alternative fuel vehicles and the impact this has on the customer lifecycle and buying habits. It’s hard to judge as much of the change depends on the country adapting to moving away from traditional vehicles. 

What do you enjoy most when you aren’t doing the day job? 

When I’m not working, I enjoy spending time at the coast, socialising over cocktails or attending my weekly dance classes.

Advancing your marketing knowledge with CIM qualifications provides a passport to your future success. The CIM Diploma in Professional Marketing (Level 6) is equivalent to an undergraduate degree and provides you with the strategic skills, knowledge and understanding to help progress your career.