
Home » Congratulations

Congratulations to the following students for successfully completing their qualifications with nesma for December 2014 :

  • CIM Level 3 Introductory Certificate in Marketing Awards:

Jade Appleby, Charlotte Bland, Lee Butler, Katie Harding, Janice Harvey, Ebba McGuigan, Robyn Murray, Emma Powell, Charlotte Thompson and Jeanette Turner.

  • CIM Level 4 Professional Certificate in Marketing Awards:

Stacey Acton, Laura Brown, Tracy Calvert, Ian Carr, Nick Danks, Allison Dore, Andrew Graffin, Sharron Hodson, Abby Hughes, Philippa Lee, Margaret Love, Toni Nelson, Steven O’Neil, Laura Reed, Stephanie Romero, Jen Rudin, Jennifer Scullion, Jennifer Sewell, Chris Simmons, Christie Slaywe, Kim Sutherland, Helen Vickers, Rachel Williams, Laura Mackey, Emily McCann and Christopher Yorke.

  • CIM Level 6 Professional Diploma in Marketing Awards:

Nicola Craddock, Danielle Barry, Craig Barber, Victoria Crooke, Charlie Guthrie, Jane Leung, Greg Merrilees, Kelly Thornton, Emma Wilson, Stephanie McFarlane and Lauren Regan.

  • CAM Diploma in Marketing Communications Modules:

Charlotte Bailey, Vivien Blair, Samantha Burrett, Joanne Hutchinson and Craig Robinson.