People Power

People Power 23rd of June 2022

Times of uncertainty are also times of great innovation: Join us to discuss how we can unlock the power of our people. Join Business Leaders & Managers from the North East at the conference’s VIP Breakfast, chaired by Ket Patel (UK Lead, Change Management Institute) to debate, discuss and share fresh thinking on how unlocking the power of our people can be central to ‘Levelling Up’ the North East and improving our region’s productivity. People Power 2022 is a one day immersive and experiential conference for business leaders, managers & team leaders: putting people at the heart of business success. People Power will once again bring together the North East’s Business Leaders & Managers at Northumbria University for a full day of inspiration and training. Meet, connect, and re-connect with hundreds of others who have an interest in how they can develop and improve themselves, their team and their business. Understand the positive impact that focusing on the People Agenda will have on your business and on the people who work there. Who will be there? People Power is designed to benefit anyone responsible for managing people – business leaders, managers, and HR professionals from across all industries.  Be part of the conversation.

Personal Brand Ecosystem

Personal branding builds authority. Authority builds trust and trust builds relationships – mutually beneficial relationships! If your stakeholders feel they know you and believe that you understand and empathise with their pain points, that increases the likelihood of them engaging – and if they are a potential customer – eventually buying from you. Most engagement and interaction with organisations are carried out online, which has become an increasingly crowded marketplace. Your Personal Brand Ecosystem will help you stand out and separate yourself from your competitors as well as provide an opportunity to generate revenue.

Circle of Influence

Influence is everything! Professional networking can be a very powerful asset when developing and growing your personal brand. It enables you to widen your physical reach, enhance your credibility and build mutually beneficial relationships with your stakeholders, helping you achieve your goals! Your Circle of Influence is how you define your network – the people who are and could be – influential to your personal brand. This includes – your customers; colleagues and peers; suppliers and trade partners; competitors; local and regional community; political and business leaders; highly influential personalities including celebrities!

The Authentic Self

Authenticity is the key factor when promoting your personal brand! We’re living in a very crowded world with a plethora of influencers, commentators and opinion leaders, all proactively promoting their beliefs and gaining their followers (and fans) in return. With the rapid growth of social media and other digital communications, we have become incredibly perceptive to fake, inauthentic and insincere business brands, which promote one thing and yet behave completely different. This also applies to people – celebrities, personalities, politicians and other people in the public eye – our ‘fake-radar’ can sense when someone is not being authentic – and let’s face it, it’s much easier being the true ‘you’ rather than trying to be someone or something else.

Creating the Right Company Culture – Newcastle

Part of the CIPR NE Women In PR event series. Company Culture is vital to the success of any organisation, but how do you foster a culture that allows all employees, regardless of gender, thrive? Join CIPR NE for what is set to be a lively discussion about leadership, culture and gender equality in the workplace. …

Creating the Right Company Culture – Newcastle

Part of the CIPR NE Women In PR event series. Company Culture is vital to the success of any organisation, but how do you foster a culture that allows all employees, regardless of gender, thrive? Join CIPR NE for what is set to be a lively discussion about leadership, culture and gender equality in the workplace. …

Trailblazing NEW CIM Leadership Qualification

Do you want to become a leader of change? Nesma is 1 of only 7 study centres across the UK to have been selected to deliver the NEW CIM Marketing Leadership qualification. As what we do best is build the marketing know-how of individuals to support companies with contemporary strategic marketing skills for the new challenges …