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Free Taster – Why Sustainability Matters
Virtual Training - This event is online after you register you will receive everything you need to join this event from the comfort of your own home.Join Veronica Swindale, nesma's Founder and MD, Chartered Marketer, FCIM, MCIPR & Anne-Marie Lacey, nesma CIPR Sustainability Communications Tutor, FCIPR, Chart.PR, ACIM, who will discuss why we are talking more about sustainability as Marketers & PR Practitioners, and how to get your pledges and 'spin' aligned.
nesma networking – Edinburgh
It will be great to have the chance to catch up with all our Scottish network, and students, past, present and potential! See how your 2023 is going so far, and future plans for nesma and yourselves!
nesma networking – Carlisle
It will be great to have the chance to catch up with all our Carlisle networking, and students, past, present and potential! See how your 2023 is going so far, and future plans for nesma and yourselves!