Currently, our classes are via interactive webinar so here are our ten top tips to help you get the most out of our virtual teaching sessions.

Watch the time!
Punctuality is equally important for online teaching sessions. Your tutor will be there at least 5 minutes before the start and we recommend you join a couple of minutes before the allotted time. Entering promptly will avoid delays caused by weak internet connections or technical issues. Your Teams meeting should be in your online calendar so be sure to give yourself that 15-minute warning to make sure that you are comfortable, prepared and have all the resources you need to enable the session to start on time. If you have an unavoidable delay, please let your tutor know as soon as you can.
Get yourself comfy!
The best location is one where you can fully participate in the webinar, have room for a notebook and a drink. Try to avoid being in the same room as another person for the duration of the webinar. Bedrooms are acceptable if you are working from home but make sure the background is reasonably neutral! You may find using a headset useful to help you to concentrate on the content of the webinar and to save disturbing those around you. You will need the video and sound on at all times, apart from when the tutor chooses to use Mute or asks you to Mute.
Dress for the occasion!
As you are learning from the comfort of your home, you might feel like dressing down. Being comfortable is important, just bear in mind you are engaging in a professional teaching session. You never know – you may be sharing the webinar with colleagues, clients, or even a potential employer, so please dress with this in mind.
Protect your investment!
Giving your undivided attention is one of the best things you can do to learn efficiently. Modules will progress quickly to help you succeed, but it means you need to plan your time carefully and focus on the content of the webinar to ensure you understand each topic.
Eye on the prize!
Giving eye contact to the screen is an excellent way to show your tutor that you are participating (unless of course, you are taking notes). Remember to engage in the webinar just as you would if you were present in person. Participating fully may look different depending on what your tutor is expecting of you at any particular moment. At times, your tutor will be leading the class in a discussion, and this is when it is most important to speak up and share your thoughts.
Pace yourself!
There will be ‘home’ reading and assignment work to undertake each week. You will need to plan your time carefully so that you can keep up with the course work and submit your assignments on time. If you have any difficulty or meet bumps in the road along the way, let your tutor know as soon as possible, and a new plan can be developed with you.
Watch your language!
nesma tutors are all experienced and used to managing group debates. Everyone has something to contribute and learning from each other is an important part of the process. So please be courteous to others and participate in discussions. Everyone will be listening to what you have to say, so make sure you address the group as a whole.
Keep us up to date
Everyone’s circumstance is different and subject to change. Please keep us up to date of any changes so that we can ensure you get the right study support for you, and if necessary signpost you to more formal support if you need it.
Keep refreshed!
We’d prefer you did not treat your training session as ‘breakfast’, ‘lunch’ or ‘supper’. But we do encourage you to keep hydrated and have snacks to hand!
Above all, enjoy yourself!
You have taken a very important step in your marketing and communications career. We work as hard as we can to make sure you have the best resources, tutors, guidance and support to succeed in your studies. However, if there are any problems, please let us know as soon as possible, so we can work with you to sort them out.
Remember the new term for CIPR and CIM qualification courses is September 2020.
We hope you found this helpful, if you have any questions, queries or comments please do let Lucy know.