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CIPR #TimeToTalkDay Event

Join CIPR North East to explore how to manage your own mental health when dealing with crisis communications.

This #TimeToTalkDay, join CIPR North East, NGI Solutions and Newcastle Upon Tyne NHS Hospitals Trust to explore mental health communications, health and wellbeing in the workplace and how to manage your own mental health when dealing with crisis communications.

In light of #TimeToTalkDay, there will be no fee to attend this event. Instead, CIPR North East is asking attendees to make a donation to Mind in lieu of an event fee.

Refreshments will be provided and sessions will include:

Mental health communications

Lucy Nichol, Account Director, NGI Solutions

An interactive session following on from Lucy’s last CIPR workshop. Delegates are asked to think about examples of positive and negative mental health coverage from the media for a facilitated discussion on what stigmatising content looks like and how to report responsibly on mental health.

The session will also provide a basic guide to the differences between mental health problems and symptoms, explore the impact of stigma and discuss how we can challenge it in the media.

Recognising the emotional toll of crisis communications

Caroline Docking, Assistant Chief Executive, Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals Trust

As someone who worked for a long time in mental health and disability services, and now in one of the largest and most specialist acute trusts in the UK, reputation management and crisis comms – always an emotionally charged element of PR - is second nature for Caroline.

The session will explore how we, as practitioners, support the mental health of colleagues in our workplaces when times are tough, but also, how can we recognise and manage the emotional impact on ourselves.

Creating healthy workplaces

Kathie Wilcox, Director, NGI Solutions and Caroline Docking, Assistant Chief Executive, Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals Trust

With both Kathie and Caroline play a key role in health and wellbeing initiatives within their respective organisations, they will share their experience of engaging both a large and small workforce in positive conversations around health and wellbeing.

* * *

This Mental Health in Public Relations event follows CIPR North East’s live simulation PR Crisis Communications Workshop: how to create messages that satisfy the media and protect your client’s reputation on Wednesday 5th February at Newcastle University between 8am and 10am.

Each event will complement the other, and places are still available to book via Eventbrite, with tickets costing between £10 and £30 per person.

Thursday 6th February, 2020
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Event website


NGI Solutions Baltic Place East, South Shore Road
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear NE8 3AE United Kingdom
+ Google Map
T: 0191 440 5744
