We can’t quite believe we have now completed three terms of virtual teaching, and that we have just announced another set of fantastic Chartered Institute of Marketing exam results with our tutors and students achieving a 95% pass rate.

A well-practised PRactitioner

Laurel in Northern Insight

Laurel is well-known across the PR and marketing comms scene in the North East and has been instrumental in developing nesma’s CIPR students at every level of their career development.

Start a CIPR qualification

CIPR qualification

Join our CIPR tutors (who also happen to be CIPR North East Committee members) for an informal drop-in lunchtime session on Wednesday 8th July between 12.30pm and 1.30pm to discover where a CIPR qualification can take you this year!

Essential advice from Deb Sharratt

Deb Sharratt an award-winning, PR practitioner and a tutor on CIPR qualification & communication courses with nesma has pulled together some prudent advice in a blog called – 9 challenges independent PR practitioners face every day – and how to overcome them. She share’s what she thinks are the 9 challenges that need to be overcome to …

Outstanding news for tutor Deb Sharratt

We are absolutely over the moon that Deb Sharratt has been shortlisted for Outstanding Independent PR Practitioner, in the industry’s top awards in the region. We can’t wait for the PRide Awards dinner which will take place at The Biscuit Rooms in Newcastle on Friday 7 December, of which we are sponsors, to find out who …

Delving into the techniques and theories of PR

We enroled our intern, Rebecca on the CIPR Foundation course. It is a 3-day course that defines the field and the scope of public relations. Here are Rebecca’s thoughts on day 2 of the course with tutor Debbie Sharratt. The average journalist receives approximately 300 press releases every day, and 79% decide whether or not they should …